Tuesday 22 March 2011

Subliminal Delauney

 Sonia Delauney designs, 1922-1923

Not long ago Jill from Tea with the Vintage Baroness was discussing  having come across Sonia Delauney's work and been hugely inspired. A similar thing happened to me around the same time, when my attention was drawn to a series of small photos in Frances Kennett's work The Collectors Book of Twentieth Century Fashion.  
They captured my imagination  to such an extent that when I purchased the piece featured bellow I didn't fully make the connection behind my buying impulse. You could hardly see any detail in the one photo that advertised it - unlike mine here, as you know I'm pretty generous when it come to featuring pics of myself dressed up :). Anyway, the blouse/jacket arrived and it's so stunning it takes my breath away! The similarity with the Delauney drawing is amazing, don't you think? 
This is a wonderful piece, the silk is light like a butterfly's wing, with amazing colors and deco print, and the condition is truly fantastic too. It breaks my heart to part with it, but it's many sizes too big...I was so happy modeling this for you and for the shop! I think the photos tell it all, it's been a stairway to heaven :). Forgive me my metaphors, but it's hard to contain one's excitement! But the true excitement will be that of the person who will give this a home and wear it the way it deserves to be worn... Convo me via my etsy shop if interested. Other than that, stay tuned, there's more Delauney inspiration to come!


  1. oh heavens...I want, I want, but I alas have no shoulders. This looks great with dark hair too!

  2. Oh my gosh!!! That is AMAZING.
    You should keep it :)

  3. I wouldn't like anything better than to keep it, Lauren. But it's so big on me...

  4. Where did You buy this ?
    This is one of the most beautiful clothing pieces I have ever seen .

    Please answer me via gmail

  5. Same here. And it was on good old ebay, too.

  6. Eu spuneam atat de inconstientul colectiv cat si de subconstientul colectiv...sigur ca dupa caz sunt valabile amandoua...in cazul tau ai descoperit sau ti-a atras atentia acest aspect in perioada in care eu finalizam colectia.:)Dar exista doua lucruri deosebite intre ele si nu mai putin importante...unul este actul de design/creatie pe baza unui motiv de inspiratie si cu totul altceva este stylingul gandit de asa maniera incat sa induca senzatia de creatie a la Sonia Delauney...este o distinctie necesara si binevenita. Ca ideile pot circula simultan (ca in pictura) ei libere, eu nu contest...este vorba de acel "zeitgeist" care functioneaza fara indoiala dar daca in cazul unora poate sa functioneze, permite-mi sa ma indoiesc in cazul celor descrise mai sus.(vb de postarea mea)

  7. Da...dar este posibila chestia asta cu siguranta...cred ca trebuie sa il citim pe Jung...:D...oricum Sonia Delaunay, ca sa fiu total sincera mi se pare ca fiind mai de nisa, asa, nu in mainstreamul artistic, atunci poate o fi fost dar acum nu poate sa fie decat pe baza explicarii nevoii noastre de culoare...aici poate fi acel gand comun si o vaga orientare simultana spre acest subiect!
