Wednesday 31 December 2014

One for the child inside


I haven't had the chance to post these before, so just before the year ends and we conclude our winter celebrations, I thought I would show you a few glimpses of the displays I realized this Christmas for the Antiques Centre in Gloucester. And whilst I love window dressing at all times (and I do), it is never more rewarding than at Christmas time, when one sees all the little children squashing their noses in amazement against the windows and hears them squealing with delight upon entering the store. All as it should be :)






Sunday 28 December 2014

Merry Christmas!

 Happy holidays everyone, it's been a long time since my last entry, hope you're all well, I am yet to catch up with your blogs, but decided to finally break my self imposed exile. I had wanted to do it for a while but couldn't bring myself to post - it's amazing how sometimes the easiest tasks seem mountains to climb.

Anyhow, this is a time for merriment and in that spirit here is a cute little dress I wore this Christmas. It is my mother's latest creation, a 4ply mercerized cotton knit that draws its inspiration from the central illustrations below.

I opted for functional buttons in mother of pearl with a matched buckle. I have to say I am really happy with the choice of design, I love that low back and there is a tiny little detail my mother added in the shape of cream vertical stripe on the pocket (barely visible in the pics) which made me squeal with delight upon its discovery :).

 That's all from me for now, Merry Christmas to you all!

Thursday 22 May 2014

There's a stripe craze...

...every summer.

Now I  meant to do a proper outfit post, but I ended up a fountain, and a vase, and back to the lazy, perennial stripes.
New haircut is top bill here, thanks to sis, and I am doing my best to show it off, I really am.

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Egg load

Hope everyone had a happy Easter, whether celebrating or not! Here is how my eggs came out this year. 
I attempted dying them with red cabbage as opposed to the traditional (in my part of Romania) onion skins. 
I think you really need white eggs if aiming to obtain a proper blue, otherwise they will end up a variety of  tones, anything from a greyish duck egg to a mauve-brown or even khaki green! After the initial frustration, increased by the refusal of the dye to set (even after an all nighter and plenty of vinegar added in), I really grew to like the lichen colouring and the mottled appearance.