Thursday, 5 May 2011

Birthdays...and store coupon!

Image from an illustration on etsy, I forgot the exact source

There are a few occasions that I've missed lately, something that sadly I'm rather good at. And I don't mean the Royal Wedding, but things that are important to little ol' me, and which I should make something of.
Like the anniversary of this blog, for example. A year in March, that was. And then growing to 100 followers ...Now I know that for a blog to only reach that many souls in one year it must mean it rather sucks, but hey, this is my blog and I set the standards :)
So yes, I'm quite chuffed about that.
And thinking of my own journey along the wondrous path of vintage fashion, how did I enjoy that, not quite knowing where it would take me but delving into its wonders, temptations and disasters, with the blind faith that I would come out the other end not only prettier, but more me that I've ever been before...
Let's hope the worse is behind us :), and the best yet to come, but most importantly thank you all for joining me, and let me wish a very happy birthday to you, friends of this blog!

Not yet affording a giveaway, I did put together a coupon offering 10% off to those of you that might fancy anything in my etsy shop, Delia & Delia Vintage Apparel. There are a lot of  sweet little things in there if I may say so myself. The coupon, to be used at the checkout, is ADRIANA. There are no restrictions on the items you can use it for and it is active from now until the end of this Sunday.

I am hoping to be more generous in the future, with many returns of sale coupons, and brilliant giveaways too. At the moment I am focusing on getting some funds together for my little sister (well not so little anymore, but still only 5 to me). The thing is, I've also missed her birthday, as we live in different countries it's only very rarely we are lucky enough to be together on such occasions.
It only happened once in the last 7 years, and it's one of those things that bring me down. Anyway, the point is I am very proud that she decided to do something with her life and become a nurse, and she needs a computer to help her with her studies, so that's that. Now you see the ulterior motifs behind my shameless self promotion...

Before I conclude I would like to give a very special thanks to a great lady: Jill from Tea with the Vintage Baroness.
Inspirational, honest, articulate, always supportive, she's my number 1 follower (literally, since my first post). Baroness, I'm honored to have met you.
Cheers to vintage, and hurray to blogging, if it allows us to believe we can raise above space limitations, language barriers and cultural differences, and make friends.